First steps after installing a new WordPress

Here are the essential tasks you should consider:

  1. Delete default content: By default, WordPress installs some sample content, such as a Hello World blog post and a sample page. You can remove this content by going to the “Posts” and “Pages” sections in your WordPress dashboard and deleting them.
  2. Select a theme: Choose a theme that suits your website’s purpose and design preferences. You can browse and install themes directly from the WordPress Theme Directory or choose a premium theme from third-party marketplaces. Install and activate the theme of your choice.
  3. Configure general settings: Navigate to the “Settings” > “General” section in your WordPress dashboard. Set your site title, tagline, and timezone. You can also specify whether you want your website to display www or non-www URLs.
  4. Permalink structure: Customize your website’s permalink structure to create clean and SEO-friendly URLs. Go to the “Settings” > “Permalinks” section and choose a permalink structure that best suits your content and SEO needs. A common option is the “Post name” structure.
  5. Install essential plugins: Install plugins that enhance the functionality and security of your website. Refer to my previous response for a list of standard plugins you should consider installing.
  6. Create important pages: Create essential pages for your website, such as an About page, Contact page, and any other pages that are relevant to your website’s purpose. You can create pages by going to the “Pages” section and clicking on “Add New”.
  7. Set up navigation menus: Create and configure your website’s navigation menus to allow visitors to easily navigate through your site. Go to the “Appearance” > “Menus” section to create a menu and add pages or custom links to it. Assign the menu to a primary or secondary location in your theme.
  8. Configure widgets: Widgets allow you to add content and features to your website’s sidebars, footers, or other widget-ready areas. Access the “Appearance” > “Widgets” section to add, remove, or customize widgets as per your needs.
  9. Set up user roles: WordPress has built-in user role management to control access and permissions. Go to the “Users” > “Add New” section to create additional user accounts and assign appropriate roles, such as administrator, editor, author, or subscriber, depending on their level of access.
  10. Customize your website: Customize your website’s appearance by accessing the “Appearance” > “Customize” section. Depending on your theme, you can customize various aspects, including colors, fonts, header images, and more.

Remember, these are the initial steps to get your WordPress website up and running. As you continue building your website, you can explore additional features, plugins, and customization options to further enhance your site’s functionality and design.

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